#Greenhouse Gases refer to the sum of seven gases
that have direct effects on climate change :
#Carbon Dioxide (CO2),
#Methane (CH4),
Nitrous Oxide (N2O),
#Chlorofluorocarbons (#CFCs),
#Hydrofluorocarbons (#HFCs),
#Perfluorocarbons (#PFCs)
#Sulphur Hexafluoride (#SF6).
OECD (2016), Air and GHG emissions (indicator). doi:
10.1787/93d10cf7-en (Accessed on 01 June 2016)
that have direct effects on climate change :
#Carbon Dioxide (CO2),
#Methane (CH4),
Nitrous Oxide (N2O),
#Chlorofluorocarbons (#CFCs),
#Hydrofluorocarbons (#HFCs),
#Perfluorocarbons (#PFCs)
#Sulphur Hexafluoride (#SF6).
OECD (2016), Air and GHG emissions (indicator). doi:
10.1787/93d10cf7-en (Accessed on 01 June 2016)